John Herbet
+33 (0) 7 86 12 46 12
Become the owner of an autonomous cottage in an Eco-Village !
Located 1 hour from Paris, the Eco-village of the pond is the first autonomous village in France. In the heart of Seine-et-Marne, we offer you the opportunity to become the owner of a 200 to 400m2 plot equipped with an autonomous mobile home in a park offering innovative services: communal vegetable garden, solar production, abundant water, fishing rights, orchard, wastewater treatment, a janitor in charge of communal resources, and many others that we will let you discover. The proposed plots of land are all planted with trees, serviced, have electricity, water supply and drainage.
Fédération Française de la Construction Passive.
The Federation "Let's design together efficient and pleasant to live in buildings" A key professional actor in the development of passive building in France. This website aims to bring together and share the experience of members, to train new actors, but also to create dynamics of research and technical validation. It is important to us to disseminate clearly the news of our sector in order to allow each one to highlight its know-how during trade shows, symposiums...
A local news channel, which, with its weekly "Planète Locale" column, helps Parisians adopt the right ecological reflexes. BFM Paris Ile-de-France, the first 100% Parisian news channel, launched in 2016, and accessible on DTT channel 30, on operator boxes as well as digital. It offers a 100% local editorial line, with continuous news with social, economic, political, sports and cultural facts and coverage of all the events that make the news in the territories. The channel has launched a new column in 2021 called "Planète Locale" to give tips to Parisians to adopt good ecological habits. A chronicle, which can be found every Monday at 6:45 pm, dedicated to the environment in the company of one or more guests.
Construction21 est le média du bâtiment et de la ville durable. Véritable outil de diffusion, il transmet au plus grand nombre l'actualité et les bonnes pratiques entre les acteurs de la ville et du BTP. C'est également le réseau d'échange et de rencontre des professionnels engagés.
Since 2005, Habitat Naturel magazine has been accompanying the building sector in its mutations. By choosing the quality of our reports and our technical files, Habitat Naturel reflects the requirements related to the context of energy transition which strongly impacts professionals (regulations, implementations) and individuals (understanding, use). Biosourced construction, eco-renovation, renewable energies and high energy performance are the keys to living in a more autonomous and responsible way. Quarterly - 84p - available on newsstands and by subscription -
Since 2001, La Maison écologique is an independent media that works with rigor to make ecological housing accessible to the greatest number of people and accompanies you in a practical way in the realization of your projects.
La CAPEB, Confédération de l'Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment, est le syndicat patronal qui représente les TPE et PME du bâtiment. Elle a pour mission de les promouvoir, les défendre et les représenter devant les instances de concertation et de décision, en particulier devant les Pouvoirs publics. Indépendante de la puissance publique et reconnue comme partenaire social, la confédération mène des missions d’intérêt général depuis 1946 et propose aussi les mesures qu’elle juge nécessaires et adaptées aux entreprises du secteur.
Maison d'édition indépendante depuis 1993. Des livres beaux et pratiques, des ouvrages de référence, pour permettre à nos lecteurs de gagner en bien-être, en indépendance et en autonomie.
Il y a près de 40 ans, nous semions la première graine de jardinage bio... Depuis, nous la cultivons avec passion et engagement à travers des livres de jardinage, le magazine les 4 saisons et des jardins écologiques dans les Alpes. Nous avons aussi investi les champs de l'alimentation et de la santé, du bien-être et de la maison écologique.
La filtration de l'eau Doulton, avec bientôt 2 siècles d'expérience, a fait ses preuves et de nombreux clients lui font confiance. Elle est certifiée, agréée : NSF ANSI 42 & 53 (équivalence CSTB), WRAS, WQA... Les produits, de très grande qualité, sont fabriqués en Angleterre. La filtration Doulton se décline en plusieurs gammes de filtres à eau : la filtration d'eau alimentaire pour la cuisine sur évier ou sous évier, la filtration d'eau par gravité pour les lieux isolés, la filtration professionnelle pour les besoins d'eau filtrée à haut débits.
Aquaponia is a company 100% dedicated to the development of aquaponics on a domestic and professional scale. Located in the heart of Echologia, our primary goal is to offrir you a qualitative educational vision of aquaponics and to inspire you with an extraordinary production technique that aims to install a natural eco-system to produce fish and plants in symbiosis. Aquaponia offers training in domestic aquaponics for individuals who want to achieve food resilience, as well as certified professional training courses with a professional title for those interested in aquaponics. Aquaponia is also aquaponic systems that bring together all our know-how to allow you to enjoy aquaponic production "at home" like the AquaHive®: our flagship modular system, patented, which adapts aesthetically to all situations! Aquaponia is also the largest aquaponics showroom in France, which hosts the National Aquaponics Exhibition.
+33 (0) 7 86 12 46 12
+33 (0) 7 72 13 35 58
+33 (0) 06 76 87 11
> Enhance your image by associating it with a well known event for its quality, for its diverse activities, and for its highly specialized visitors.
> Increase your visibility thanks to a high-profile event.
> Create an event within an event by taking over space, organizing demonstrations and trainings, and making visitors come to you.
> Communicate with a highly qualified audience, build privileged relationships with main actors in related sectors.
Installation, lectures, dedicated happenings, product launch scenarios, privatization of space, sponsoring of events or venues, dressing, display... the sole limit is your imagination!
Your needs, our solutions!
Becoming a partner of Vivre Autonome means bringing your brand to the front page of the next big challenges of our society.
You will benefit from a specialized and passionate community. To be associated with Vivre Autonome is also a way to prove to your consumers that you want to meet them and discuss their needs with them. It is also a way to position your brand on a very promising sector which already gathers a large and diverse public thanks to the partnership with the Survival Expo - Autonomy & Outdoor show.